Work with one of the most dedicated and leadingITstaffaugmentationcompaniesin Europe.
We can provide the best available remote and local hire systems & software solutions Architects, Site reliability engineers, developers,projectmanagers, business analysts and testers on-demand.
Our team can reach out to 40.000 IT experts during the recruitment process which is a guarantee for the quality.
IT Staff Augmentation delivers hourly and/or part-time tech talents to help your in-house team with thesoftware development outs ourcing cycle as required.
Recommended for:Companies with established development teams who are facing a tight project deadline or a talent shortage
An outsourced team manages a portion of the developmentprojectand is overseen by Cosmica’sProjectManager, who provides frequent progress updates to you.
Recommended for:Multi-team projects in which you must maintain overall project control
We understand the importance approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple and easy communication.